Nabídka programů

Materials Sciences

Prezenční 4 roky Zakončeno titulem Ph.D.

Design of advanced, metallic and non-metallic materials, research of their preparation procedures, analysis of the structure and their behaviour under mechanical loading. Learn to develop new types of materials and become a "bridge" between designers and technologists. You will deepen the knowledge of the physical and physico-chemical nature of the properties and limit states of materials. You will apply these to new technological processes (e.g. plasma technologies, powder metallurgy, cold kinetic deposition, electron beam processing). You will also deal with degradation processes and their effects on material properties and material mechanics.

You will become experts in the field of materials science and engineering. You will work in material science teams - as academic staff at technical universities (for example in the ASCR). Or you will become the part of development teams in companies.

Tento program zajišťuje Ústav materiálových věd a inženýrství.


Material is the basis of all things that surround us and a key tool for progress

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