
Stanislav Kotaška


FCE, VST – Assistant professor

+420 54114 7755

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Ing. Stanislav Kotaška, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Monday, 08:00-10:00, Z17/Z406 (Žižkova 511/17, Brno 602 00)

Lectured courses

BRA011Geographic Information Systems
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, VST
BRB007Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, VST
BRB012Integration of Structures to Landscape
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, VST
NPA020Special Field Trip
Field training, Czech, winter, FCE, VHO
BSA001Waterworks Structures
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, VHK

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024