Nabídka programů

Applied Mechanics

Kombinovaná 4 roky Zakončeno titulem Ph.D.

Modelling of mechanical systems and technological processes, fracture mechanics, dynamics of drive and rotor systems and vibroacoustics. Are these topics you want to delve into? You will deal with applications of electronics and methods of artificial intelligence in the design of electromechanical systems as well as applications of mechanics in medicine. You will study the flow of liquids, gases and vapours, the thermodynamic problems of metallurgical and foundry technologies and heat treatment, and the inverse heat transfer problems. You will master progressive computational and experimental methods.

After defending the dissertation, you will apply in the field of applied research, in development teams - both technical, biomechanical and biomedical. Or take a place in management and analytical positions in companies.

Tento program zajišťuje Ústav mechaniky těles, mechatroniky a biomechaniky.


Not only engineering cannot do without mechanics; mechanics not only for mechanical engineering

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