study programme

Economics and Management

Original title in Czech: Ekonomika a managementFaculty: FPAbbreviation: MGR-KSAcad. year: 2013/2014

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N6208

Degree awarded: Ing.

Accreditation: 9.12.2003 - 20.7.2015

Specific admission requirements

Condition for admitting is obtaining a bachelor's degree and pass successfully the admission exam as well.

Key learning outcomes

Graduate gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in economic science, economics, management, accounting and logistics. Knowledge and skills in basic economic disciplines are completed by knowledge from specialized subjects in study branches. Will be able to solve problems related to the corporate management. The study of economically and managerially oriented courses for graduates of engineering and technology branches creates prerequisite for the preparation of qualified middle managers of large companies or for the perform integrated functions in the smaller business entities.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Graduates can acquit themselves well as middle management levels managers of large corporations or for the performing of integrated functions in the smaller business entities. Graduates can acquit themselves well in the financial divisions of companies in positions of financial advisors, in the business departments of the trade, logistics, marketing, in middle management positions in banking institutions and other financial market institutions.

Access to further studies

The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Graduation requirements

diploma thesis, final state examination

Mode of study

combined study

Programme supervisor

ECTS departmental co-ordinator


Abbreviation Title (specialisation) Mandatory credits
MGR-ŘEP-KSCompany Management and Economics85
MGR-PFO-KSCorporate Finances and Business85