Product detail

OCRP Solver: A Tool for Solving the OCRP Problem


Product type



OCRP Solver is a tool for solving the ordinal consensus ranking problem (OCRP) using several build-in methods (currently the Borda-Kendall's method of marks (BAK), maximize agreement heuristic (MAH), consensus ranking model (CRM) and distance-based ideal-seeking consensus ranking model (DCM) methods are supported), but other methods may be added by the user. It also allows one to analyse the input OCRP and its solution using two built-in analysers (for evaluating entropy and computing agreement among the methods used to compute the solution) or using custom analysers added by the user. It can also be used to test new methods for solving the OCRP as it is able to randomly generate a vast number of OCRPs, using the built-in Monte Carlo generator or some other generator added by the user, which may then be solved by the new method to check e.g. if it provides more unique solution than the other methods etc.


group decision analysis, ordinal consensus ranking problem, Python

Create date

18. 9. 2011


Possibilities of use

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