Product detail

ASI Corona Capture version 2023


Product type



ASI Corona Capture version 2023 is a specially developed application for taking images of the corona during a total solar eclipse. It is primarily designed to observe emission lines of heavy metal ions (Fe, Ar, Ni), where it is necessary to synchronise the imaging cameras in pairs according to a predetermined exposure scheme. For further data processing, calibration images must be taken. The application is designed to facilitate the user The user is assisted in the creation of the images. Each image is accompanied by a text file with important information about the settings of all camera parameters during acquisition.


corona, camera, image, capture, calibration, total solar eclipse

Create date

29. 3. 2023


Ústav matematiky Fakulta strojního inženýrství Technická 2896/2 61669 Brno

Possibilities of use

K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence

Licence fee

Poskytovatel licence na výsledek požaduje licenční poplatek
