Product detail



Product type



a software tool to solve the problems of steady or unsteady lubrication and the shape optimisation of hydrodynamic journal bearings of any rotor machine. Software contains these key modules: - PSO40 is designed to numerically solve the lubricant flow in the thin layer of the journal bearing, including the influence of temperatures, the influence of shear rates on the lubricant properties, the effect of the bearing load variability on the rotor speed. Solution incorporates multigrid strategy. This module is significantly faster than models available in commercial CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) systems. - Optimisation module OptiSOL is designed to optimise the shape of the thin lubricating gap. The gap thickness is described by up to 50 control points. The optimisation uses genetic algorithms specially modified to hydrodynamics.


Journal hydrodynamic bearing; hydrodynamic lubrication; shape optimisation.

Create date

15. 12. 2022


Technická 2896/2 61669 Brno Česká republika A1/826

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