Project detail

Electron-spin manipulation by an electric field in quantum paraelectrics

Duration: 01.03.2024 — 28.02.2025

Funding resources

Brno University of Technology - Vnitřní projekty VUT

- whole funder (2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31)

On the project

Measurements of spin-electric field coupling of paramagnetic ions in quantum paraelectric materials under DC electric fields using high field high frequency EPR spectroscopy.


CEITEC VUT-J-24-8612

Default language


People responsible

Neugebauer Petr, doc. Dr. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Zdeg Ikram, M.Sc. - principal person responsible


Central European Institute of Technology BUT
- (2024-01-30 - 2024-03-04)
Magneto-Optical and THz Spectroscopy
- (2024-01-01 - 2024-12-31)