Institute of Forensic Engineering

Doctoral full-time study

Forensic Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Forensic Engineering (Road Accident Investigation), 2011-06-28 - První kolo přijímacího řízení do kombinované formy doktorského studijního programu
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Forensic Engineering (Property Valuation), 2011-06-28 - První kolo přijímacího řízení do prezenční formy doktorského studijního programu
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 42
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 36
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 32
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 25

Branch: Forensic Engineering (Property Valuation), 2011-10-06 - První kolo přijímacího řízení do prezenční formy doktorského studijního programu
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 44
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 38
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 34
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Total number of applicants admitted 27

Statistics of written exams: 28.6.2011, 6.10.2011

Detail for date 6.10.2011 of this programme

Number of applicants taking part in the written part of admission exam 1
The best possible result of theadmission exam 50
The best actual result of the admission exam 50

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