Detail produktu

RoScan: The robotic scanning system


Typ produktu

funkční vzorek


The 3D scanning device composed from industrial manipulator, equipped with sensoric head, containg several types of sensors. In the default setup, it uses the laser scanner, colour camera and thermal imager in order to create multispectral 3D model of scanned patient's body part. However, it can be replaced or extended by any different 1D, 2D or 3D sensors, as well as used in many other different technical and non-technical fields.

Klíčová slova

3D body scanning, multispecral imaging, 3D thermography

Datum vzniku

10. 6. 2019


CEITEC, Purkynova 123, B1.08

Možnosti využití

K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence

Licenční poplatek

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