Detail produktu

Robotic Template Library


Typ produktu



A C++ template library for use in robotics. RTL builds on Standard Template Library (STL) of the C++ language and the Eigen library for highly optimized linear algebra and related tasks. The content of the library is sorted into several modules according to the functionality they provide: Algebraic primitives such as vectors, matrices and quaternions, geometric primitives like line segments, polygon, bounding boxes as well as rigid transformations. RTL provides interface to other formats for storage and command line output. LaTeX export of vector graphics can be used to provide high quality image output and automatic generation of reports from experiments. Segmentation module covers algorithms for point cloud processing into continuous clusters of points. There are also vectorization algorithms for fitting of geometrical primitives to point clouds. Traditional point-eliminating approaches are covered (Reumann-Witkam and Douglas-Peucker algorithms), but the main focus is on total least squares (TLS) fitting. Fast algorithms for lines in 2D and 3D and for planes in 3D are present with many optional features such as approximating polyline construction or global error optimization.

Klíčová slova

robotics; c++; template library

Datum vzniku

1. 6. 2017


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