Detail patentu

Burner head


Typ patentu



The burner head is designed for the combustion of gaseous non-standardized fuels, such as by-products from chemical and processing industries or gases originating from alternative sources (e.g. biogas, landfill gas or the like). In most cases, such gases are waste products characterized with low (min. 5 kJ/mN3) and variable calorific values. The burner head eliminates the unreliable combustion conditions, such as the pressure ratios inside a combustion chamber, that are common in e.g. waste incinerators. The maximum stability of combustion is achieved particularly by means of the constructional arrangement of the primary burner head. The desired stability of combustion is achieved by the incorporation of the flame catcher into the gas burner head, since the flame catcher creates a turbulent swirling flow in the area of the stabilizing nozzles. Such flow is characterized by having a lower velocity downstream the flame catcher, thus mitigating turbulances and stabilizing the flame. This arrangement enables the gas flowing out of power nozzles to be reliably ignited. The gas burner head has an annular shape which enables an auxiliary oil burner or suitable measuring and regulating members to be centrally positioned within the head. Gaseous fuel is burnt in two stages. The flow rate and the pressure of the gaseous fuel are controlled by means of a restricting orifice which determines the ratio between the primary and secondary stages of the fuel. Hence, the pressure of the fuel is lower in the primary stage than in the secondary one which significantly improves the stability of the primary stage and enables higher working pressures and flow rates to be utilized in the secondary stage. This considerably increaes the efficiency of mixing the combustioan air with the secondary fuels. According to the particular application, the burner head may be provided with three or four secondary nozzles.

Klíčová slova

Gas burner, flame stability, low calorific fuel

Číslo patentu

EP2853813 (A1)

Datum přihlášky

30. 9. 2013

Datum zápisu

26. 10. 2016


Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Brno, Česká republika

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