doc. Ing.

Miloš Kalousek


FCE, PST – Associate professor

+420 54114 7440

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doc. Ing. Miloš Kalousek, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Wednesday, 14:30-16:00, D/D211 (Veveří 512/95, Brno 602 00)

The consultation should be reported by email.

Wednesday, 14:30-16:00, D/D211 (Veveří 512/95, Brno 602 00)

The consultation should be reported by email.

Guaranteed courses

AH005Building Physics 1
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
BHA044Building Physics 1
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
AH007Building Physics 2
Czech, summer, FCE, PST
BHA045Building Physics 2
Czech, summer, FCE, PST
AH052Low Energy Houses
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
CH007Low Energy Houses
Czech, summer, FCE, PST
NHB044Low Energy Houses
Czech, summer, FCE, PST
BHB047Low Energy Houses
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
NHB056Selected articles from Building Structures (R)
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
NHB057Selected Chapters from Building Physics (R)
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
CH011Selected Chapters from Building Physics (R)
Czech, winter, FCE, PST
4VPSVybrané statě z pozemního stavitelství - stavební fyzika
Czech, both, IFE, PST

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024

Lectured courses

BHB012Bachelor Seminar (S-PST)
Seminar, Czech, summer, FCE, PST
BHA044Building Physics 1
Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, PST
BHA030Building physics 2
Exercise, Czech, summer, FCE, PST
NHB043Diploma Seminar (S-PST)
Seminar, Czech, summer, FCE, PST
BHB047Low Energy Houses
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, PST
NHB044Low Energy Houses
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, PST
BH009Project – Building Constructions
Project, Czech, winter, FCE, PST
BHA010Project – Building Constructions (S)
Project, Czech, winter, FCE, PST
NHB056Selected articles from Building Structures (R)
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, PST
NHB054Specialized Project (S-PST)
Project, Czech, winter, FCE, PST
BHB014Specialized Project (S-PST)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, PST
NHA064Specialized seminar
Exercise, Czech, summer, FCE, PST
BHA034Specialized Seminar
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, PST

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024