Detail publikace

Syntéza a analýza obvodů s moderními aktivními prvky


Originální název

Syntéza a analýza obvodů s moderními aktivními prvky

Anglický název

Syntehsis and analysis of circuits with modern active elements





Originální abstrakt

This dissertation discusses the design of active filters with current and voltage conveyors. The introduction presents conveyors as building blocks for analog filters that operate in the voltage, current or mixed mode and are able to process signals with frequencies up to tens of megahertz. The main attention is given to the universal current and voltage conveyors (UCC, UVC), which were developed at our workplace. These elements are able to replace all the defined and also not yet introduced conveyors and extend the possibilities of new circuit design. Various methods of filter design using conveyors are described in the thesis. The first method utilizes basic circuits with appropriately coupled UCCs or UVCs and general admittances. A number of second-order filters that provide more transfer functions simultaneously are designed by this method. Such filters are called multifunction filters. The UCC can easily realize nullors, which are basic circuit elements widely used for the design and modelling of active elements. Several filters with higher-order synthetic immittances were designed. These immittances employed initially nullors, which were then replaced by conveyors. Two methods for higher-order filter design are discussed in the thesis. The first of them is based on state-variable canonic structures. Conveyors realize the integrators, which are the basic building blocks of these structures. The second method realizes the voltage-current relations in the passive RLC prototype by means of a circuit with conveyors and RC elements. The functionality of most of the designed filters was verified by computer simulation. The conveyor models including frequency dependencies of current and voltage transfers and internal pin impedances were created for this purpose. A model of the UCC manufactured in 0.35 m CMOS technology was also made. Selected new filter circuits were also practically verified with commercially available elements and also with manufactured samples of UCC conveyors. Measurements in the frequency domain were carried out.

Anglický abstrakt

This dissertation discusses the design of active filters with current and voltage conveyors. The introduction presents conveyors as building blocks for analog filters that operate in the voltage, current or mixed mode and are able to process signals with frequencies up to tens of megahertz. The main attention is given to the universal current and voltage conveyors (UCC, UVC), which were developed at our workplace. These elements are able to replace all the defined and also not yet introduced conveyors and extend the possibilities of new circuit design. Various methods of filter design using conveyors are described in the thesis. The first method utilizes basic circuits with appropriately coupled UCCs or UVCs and general admittances. A number of second-order filters that provide more transfer functions simultaneously are designed by this method. Such filters are called multifunction filters. The UCC can easily realize nullors, which are basic circuit elements widely used for the design and modelling of active elements. Several filters with higher-order synthetic immittances were designed. These immittances employed initially nullors, which were then replaced by conveyors. Two methods for higher-order filter design are discussed in the thesis. The first of them is based on state-variable canonic structures. Conveyors realize the integrators, which are the basic building blocks of these structures. The second method realizes the voltage-current relations in the passive RLC prototype by means of a circuit with conveyors and RC elements. The functionality of most of the designed filters was verified by computer simulation. The conveyor models including frequency dependencies of current and voltage transfers and internal pin impedances were created for this purpose. A model of the UCC manufactured in 0.35 m CMOS technology was also made. Selected new filter circuits were also practically verified with commercially available elements and also with manufactured samples of UCC conveyors. Measurements in the frequency domain were carried out.

Klíčová slova

Proudový konvejor, napěťový konvejor, proudové zrcadlo, proudový invertor, aktivní kmitočtový filtr, graf signálových toků, autonomní obvod, syntetický prvek, transformační článek, filtrace analogových signálů

Klíčová slova v angličtině

Current conveyor, voltage conveyor, current mirror and inverter, active frequency filter, signal flow graph, autonomous circuit, synthetic element, transformation cell, analog signal processing






1. 3. 2009




Vědecké spisy Vysokého učení technické v Brně, edice PhD Thesis, sv. 516, ISBN: 978-80-214-3829-3

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  author="Jaroslav {Koton}",
  title="Syntéza a analýza obvodů s moderními aktivními prvky",
  publisher="VUTIUM Press",
  address="Vědecké spisy Vysokého učení technické v Brně, edice PhD Thesis, sv. 516, ISBN: 978-80-214-3829-3",