Detail patentu

Process for making fingolimod

Bohumil Dymacek, Reinerus Gerardus Gieling, Jozef Krajcovic

Typ patentu



The invention relates to a process of making fingolimod of formula (1), or an acid addition salt thereof comprising a step of reacting the compound of formula (11) and/or a compound of formula (14) or an acid addition salt thereof, in a solvent with hydrogen in a presence of a hydrogenation catalyst, preferably palladium catalyst, and optionally converting fingolimod of formula (1) into an acid addition salt, to compounds of formula (11) and (14), processes of making them and to their use in making fingolimod.

Číslo patentu


Datum přihlášky

22. 12. 2010

Datum zápisu

5. 4. 2012


Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví (patentový úřad České republiky)


SYNTHON B.V. Microweg 22 NL-6545 CM Nijmegen

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