Detail projektu

Metodika a prostředky pro analýzu testovatelnosti digitálních obvodů

Období řešení: 01.01.1998 — 31.03.2006

Zdroje financování

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

- plně financující

O projektu

Popis anglicky
The goal of the research activities is to develop and implement testability analysis methodology such that the concepts and algorithms could be used in any design environment, to offer an alternative to the full scan approach. It is supposed that the structure of the circuit under analysis will be transformed into a database representing the diagnostic features of the circuit. The applicability will be verified on circuits described in VHDL language and on ISCAS benchmark circuits.

Klíčová slova
diagnostika číslicových obvodů-analýya testovatelnosti



Originální jazyk




Fakulta informačních technologií
- příjemce (01.01.1998 - 31.12.2000)


ZBOŘIL, F. VHDL RT Level Parser/Analyser of a Source Code. In Proceedings of the fourth international scientific conference Electronic Computers & Informatics'2000. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2000. p. 150-155. ISBN: 80-88922-25-9.

SEKANINA, L., DRÁBEK, V. Fault Tolerance and Reconfiguration in Cellular Systems. In Proc. of Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - IEEE DDECS'2000. Smolenice: unknown, 2000. p. 134-137. ISBN: 80-968320-3-4.

ZBOŘIL, F., KOTÁSEK, Z. Nonstandard Automatic Test Pattern Generation Based on Neural Network Theory. In Proceedings of the ECI'98. Herlany, SR: SAV, 1998. p. 75-80. ISBN: 80-88786-94-0.

SEKANINA, L., RŮŽIČKA, R. Design of the Special Fast Reconfigurable Chip Using Common FPGA. In Proc. of Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - IEEE DDECS'2000. Smolenice: unknown, 2000. p. 161-168. ISBN: 80-968320-3-4.

SEKANINA, L., DRÁBEK, V. Relation Between Fault Tolerance and Reconfiguration in Cellular Systems. In 6th IEEE Int. On-Line Testing Workshop. Palma de Mallorca, Spain: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000. p. 25-30. ISBN: 0-7695-0646-1.