Product detail

Formal Concept Atribute Distances


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Formal concept and formal context are two key notions of Formal Concept Analysis, introduced by B. Ganter and R. Wille at the end of the 70's. They are used in theoretical computer scince for various purposes, but especially in connection with data representation, organization and analysis. An important characteristic of a formal cotext is the generalized distance between its concepts. There are several modifications how it could be defined, in general it serves as a measure of similarity of these two concepts. A formal concept could be an object or a class of objects of a very general type, including mathematical or information structures, but not only. Among many other possibilities, there can be mentioned various algebraic or topological structures, data structures, models, dynamical systems, etc. Application Formal Concept Atribute Distances checks first if the formal context and its two formal concepts are correctly given by the input. If so it calculates the four modifications of the generalized distance between the two given concepts. The calcullation is based on the properties of the framework associated with the formal context on the set of its attributes.


Formal context, formal concept, attributes, framework, framology, generalized distance

Create date

8. 12. 2014


Server UMAT FEKT VUT v Brně, Technická 8, 616 00 Brno

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